讲座主题:Behavior-Based Price Discrimination: Key Findings and Future Research Directions
嘉宾简介:荆兵博士现任长江商学院市场营销学副教授。2001年至2007年期间,他曾担任纽约大学商学院信息系统助理教授。荆兵博士2001年毕业于罗切斯特大学并获得商业管理博士学位。荆兵博士目前已在包括《Management Science》、《Marketing Science》、《Quantitative Marketing and Economics》、《Journal of Economics and Management Strategy》、《Journal of Management Information Systems》、《Production and Operations Management》等一流学术期刊上发表过多篇论作。
内容摘要:We will review the major research findings in this literature. While a few early papers explained poaching based on switching costs, the bulk of the literature has evolved around the informational environment and structure of the market. We will summarize the research landscape and then discuss some potentially meaningful research directions.